Origa Leasing

Marketing website | Desktop app


Origa is a one-stop integrated solution to meet your asset and capacity expansion needs. They provide leasing solutions on machinery to organizations, emphasizing more on innovation and growth of the business rather than the credit history of the applicant. Origa fills the gap between new-age businesses and traditional financing acting as a growth engine for entities at all stages.


Research, Affinity mapping, Persona, Taskflows, Information architecture, Hi-fed wireframes


With the help of business model understanding, we identified the business needs and the target audience for whom we are building the platform. I created a qualitative research plan which included:

User interviews

I created a list of people with whom I want to set up a meeting which included, Business owners and Finance agents. I interviewed around 10 to 12 people which was done over a call.

Data gathering

Once all the interviews are done I dumped all the data in an excel sheet by listing to the conversations. This helped me filtering the relevant information which I wanted to take further in my research.

Affinity mapping

Based on the data gathered I started looking out for patterns and organized them into distinct clusters.


I found that there are very few people who knew about leasing for machinery or whom to approach for a lease. There is no institution to help people educate themselves about leasing. Because of a lack of knowledge people tend to buy the machines on loan and block their finances on paying the heavy amounts on loan installments.

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“To build an online portal with end to end service that provides life cycle management to help growth-oriented business owners who needs machinery or finance to empower their business”

Persona / Use cases

I defined the detailed personas which will help me and the business to take future decisions in terms of building the platform.

Based on use cases I defined the core features of the portal like Lease information, Lease facts and figures, online documentation, Customer dashboard (where they can track their lease payments), services and also buy, sell and upgrade machines.

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“For ease of communication and a single point solution, I came up with the idea of having an AIML bot on the website which will help the user on the website with buying, selling, managing and learning about the lease.”

Task flows

A detailed task analysis of features where I understand how users are going to perform the tasks and based on that what information will system provide and how it will perform.

I identified the number of tasks to be designed for the user to use on the platform and also it helped the development team for building the architecture and APIs for the portal.

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Information architecture

A bird's-eye view of the platform which served to structure the content of the portal and generate wireframes.

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High-fid wireframes

Developed By Harshad Satra Developed By Shwez Studio