OK Done

Instant messaging / Mobile app


Ok Done chat is an instant messaging productivity platform that organizes your communication at source and track's team tasks while keeping everyone in sync.


Quantitative research, Persona, Usecase, Feature list, Task analysis, Information architecture, Hi-fid wireframes.


As we have a saturated market with WhatsApp and other leading IM apps, I wanted to know what percentage of users utilize IMs for their day to day things like assigning tasks, creating and sending events, and notes.

Quantitative research

I did a quick survey to understand more about the below points:

  • Instant messaging
  • Event organising
  • Assigning tasks
  • Notes & Reminders



Instant messaging

We have found that WhatsApp is the most used app when it comes to communicating with people because of its user-friendly design, usage simplicity, and accessibility. People also use WhatsApp and other messaging apps for delegating tasks, organising an event, file sharing, etc.

Event Organising

People use instant messaging apps like WhatsApp for organizing an event, as it is convenient where they can create a group and post an invitation. They also delegate tasks to people on WhatsApp which can be individually or in the group.

Assigning tasks

WhatsApp has made life simpler when it comes to organising an event, delegating tasks but people find difficulties in tracking the tasks and status of the tasks.

Notes & Reminders

As there are various mediums and apps for Task creations where people can plan their day and assign tasks to themselves but they prefer doing it on a notepad because it is hard to manage multiple apps for multiple purposes. We have also found that people keep reminders in their mobile calendar for important tasks.


I spoke to a few more people to get more insights about how they plan their day, manage their tasks, (personal/professional), and also how they use IM for such cases.

Usecase scenarios

Elaborated scenarios in the form of a story gave me more understanding of the characteristics of the user coming on the app.

Needs / Suggested features

Based on the use-cases I defined the needs of the users what is expected from the app.


Expected behavior of the user post building the app which I can look while designing a feature and also while conducting usability testing.

Click here to see the detailed document

The Solution

OK Done makes it easy for people to connect and co-ordinate by using a simple-to-use chat interface along with built-in productivity features.

Actions that make it easy for them to schedule meetings, create polls, tasks and track tasks, or improve efficiency with location awareness and in-app voice/video call features.

Add, edit and share notes real-time

Users can attach images, links, doc. Also, start a comment thread specific to a particular note.

Never missout on your daily planned things

Always keep track of your daily tasks, events without having to search for it in long chats. Dedicated space to manage your personnel and professional agenda. Users can also self chat to quickly take note of things and take decision later on whether to create a task, event, or set a reminder.

Developed By Harshad Satra Developed By Shwez Studio